Welcome to my CashBack Research Review. CashBack Research is basically paid to do site, that focuses mainly on surveys. CashBack Research does not actually send you any surveys. All they do is give you surveys hosted by other companies and then pay you a commission on what they earn for you taking a survey.
CashBack Research is a scam in my opinion. You’re not going to make good money with this site that just pays you a commission on the surveys that you take. I’ve never been a fan of sites that don’t have their own survey to send you and there has also been some reports of payment issues. When people aren’t getting paid it’s best just to ignore this site and find a better one!
In this CashBack Research Review I will show you exactly why I’ve marked this company a scam and why I recommend other survey sites over CashBack Research.
CashBack Research Review
Website: CashBackResearch.com
Price: Free
Score: 20 Out of 100
Verdict: Scam
In this CashBack Research Review I gave them a bad score and marked it a scam. In all reality there is still a chance that you may get paid by this company, but I don’t think it’s worth taking a risk, especially when there are legit survey sites to join.
This site isn’t going to have the best paying surveys, basically you only earn a percentage of what they are getting paid, so if you joined the sites directly you would get paid more for the exact same survey.
In my opinion there are to many negatives with this site to make it worth your time.
CashBack Research Scam
Percentage Of Earnings
Even if this site was completely legit you’re going to be getting screwed on how much you earn from taking surveys. I touched on this above, but basically you will not be taking any surveys from CashBack Research. All surveys are from other providers. This means that you’re not getting paid the amount that another company will pay you for the survey.
CashBack Research takes a bit out of the payment and gives you the rest. So anytime you take a survey the exact same survey could be taken for a larger payment somewhere else.
No Screening Questions
If you’re familiar with survey sites, you know that you have to fill out some sort of profile that gives the survey an idea of what kind of surveys to send you. Since CashBack Research doesn’t send you the surveys all the surveys available from other sites are sent to you.
This basically means that you’re going to waste even more time filling out the screening questions at the beginning of each survey and most likely not get approved.
Personally I prefer a site that only sends you surveys that you’re pre-approved for called Paid Viewpoint.
Joining Multiple Survey Panels
One thing that CashBack Research does is tell you to join multiple other survey sites. The problem with this is each site has its own minimum cash out amount. When you join multiple sites you split up your survey income.
That means you could have $20 in earnings from 4 different sites, but not have a single penny paid to you because you have $5 on each site and the minimum to cash out is $10.
My recommendation is stick to one or two sites at the beginning.
Offers Portion
If you’ve read my website you know I review a ton of making money online products. CashBack Research does have an offers page, but they are all paid offers and all require you to join or purchase a making money online product. The problem is that all of these sites are complete scams!
Here are a few that are on their list that I’ve personally reviewed and marked scams: Mobile Expression, Millionaires Society, and Click 4 Surveys.
As you can see all these products are complete scams, but CashBack Research wants you to join them!
Is CashBack Research Legit?
Honestly CashBack Research may be considered legit by some, but to me it’s a scam. The main reason is because there are so many problems that there are flat out better survey sites. In my opinion there is no reason to take a chance on a site when there are completely legit sites that don’t have any problems.
I’m pretty disappointing in everything CashBack Research has to offer so I don’t recommend this site to anyone trying to earn an income online taking surveys. I do recommend a few completely legit survey sites which you can see at Scam Free Survey Sites.
If a survey income isn’t what you’re looking for don’t worry. I have an opportunity that can earn you a full-time income online and you can learn more at Start Your Own Online Business.
Thank you for reading this CashBack Research Review. I believe this site is a scam and you should avoid it. If you have any questions or have joined this company I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.