If you’re interested in teaching English to international students than TutorABC might be a great work at home job for you. Tutor ABC is a bit different than a lot of tutoring sites that I’ve seen, so I wanted to write you a review and explain exactly what working at this company is like.
First off this is a scam free company that has nothing but positive feedback in the forums from previous workers. It’s a pretty flexible job that sounds pretty cool as long as you can meet the many requirements.
In this TutorABC Job Review, I’ll cover all the requirements, the nature of the work, and how much you’ll get paid!
VIPKid, another ESL company is actively searching for new tutors. They pay up to $22 an hour! Learn more by reading my full VIPKid Review!
TutorABC Requirements
TutorABC does have some strict requirements when it comes to what they’re looking for. I’ve listed them below. One thing to mention is on their site they say if you don’t have a degree but have the experience you should still apply!
- University Degree or Previous Experience
- TESOL/TEFL Certification (or be able to obtain one)
- Willingness to commit to a consistent schedule
- Computer Literate
- Ability To Motivate and Teach Students
Along with these requirements, you’ll need a high-speed internet connection, webcam, and headset.
TutorABC Application Process
If you can meet the requirements they’ve set, you can begin to fill out an application on their website. Here are the steps to the application:
- English Proficiency Test
- Background Information Ex: Past Experience
- Testing Your Computer, Webcam, and Headset
- Record A Short Video Introduction
After you complete the application process, you should receive a confirmation email within 30 minutes. If they like what they see, they’ll invite you back for an additional interview. If all goes well, you’ll be hired.
How Does TutorABC Work?
Once you’re hired, the first thing is the teaching style. TutorABC believes that holding a conversation is the best way to learn a foreign language. Most of your teaching will be done through talking to students.
But here’s how it works. TutorABC schedules what they call classes. Classes can have between 1-6 students in them. Most of the students will be between 20-65 and Asian.
A typical class will last at least 45 minutes, and you’ll be in front of the webcam. From what I’ve heard the students can see you, but you won’t be able to see them.
Once you’re done with a class, each student will rate you as an instructor. This can lead to a higher pay rate and payment bonuses.
How Much Does TutorABC Pay?
This is where TutorABC differs the most from other tutoring sites. Before beginning to teach, you’ll need to agree on a pay rate per class. The rate will depend on your experience along with how many students you have in the class and your past ratings.
You may also earn bonuses for consistent positive feedback and full classes. I found on a few forums that most people are averaging around $10 per hour, but the website doesn’t release or publish any average amounts of pay.
TutorABC pays monthly by PayPal and Direct Deposit!
*Base Pay $7.50 per hour in the US. Base pay is different in other countries. Please refer to comments to learn more.
TutorABC Schedule
The cool thing about TutorABC is they operate 24/7. This means the schedule is flexible and you can find something that works for you. They do say that you’ll need to at least work some during their peak hours. Unfortunately, they don’t say when these are, but more information about the schedule will be discussed after applying.
To me, this isn’t a login and tutor any time site, but it does seem to be flexible and can be done in your free time with some planning.
Is TutorABC A Scam?
TutorABC is not a scam. They have a lot of tutors that are very happy with the job. I like that the schedule is flexible in the fact they work around what you have going on, but that you set times to hold your classes. This avoids logging on and waiting for students that need help, which you usually don’t get paid for.
If you can get accepted this looks like a site where you maximize your income in your spare time. I also like that payments are simple with PayPal and Direct Deposit.
To me, TutorABC is a good option for people looking to work at home and tutor the English language. To learn more or start the application process visit TutorABC Jobs.
If this isn’t for you, here’s some other Work At Home Jobs I recommend or check out my #1 recommendation for working at home!
Have More Information For This TutorABC Review? Know How Much They Pay Per Hour? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments below!

I agree with Frankie. There are a lot of cons. You only get paid $7.50, so the base pay and the bonuses are based on ratings. Now, most students don’t care and don’t rate you at all and so your pay for that session is just the base pay and that is not enough! Also, you may get a rating where it says there is a echo and a lot of noise when you are the one that hear it coming from their mic. Hello! If you keep having the same problem with every tutor you have, maybe you should have figured out the problem is actually you so stop giving a bad rating for YOUR PROBLEM. Especially when you live in the city I live in, which is New York City. New York City has very high prices so having only this job will have me working like a mule. Luckily, this is a side job for some extra money so I don’t have worry too much. However, I do want to make more money so I am looking higher pay online English tutoring jobs.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with TutorABC Amanda. I’ll update the review to reflect it.
yeah everyone right .
tutorabc is really terrible, they did took me out of a rut but i should have left a long time ago.
right now I’m looking for a new job there’s one called english town that I just applied to
then there’s Italki etc so many.
I was naive when i signed up with tutorabc. I’m suspended now for a week because they said i got 3 absences in 3 months but i told them that 2 of those were system errors as i was right there waiting on my lesson and at the time the IT told me ” don’t worry, i will remove it , it won’t be on your record” LIES!!!.
another thing ….
they hire hundreds of people a month and then try to get rid of old ones who are actually really good at their job,
there’s no chance for a raise of pay
I’ve been there for 2 years scraping by with a measly 6.50 per 45 minutes and my native language is ENGLISH and I’ve heard of countless people from German France etc. whose second language is English but guess what they get like 9 to $10 and guess why
just take a guess
because of the colour of your skin, yes they all do it, ( if you look white, then you must be western) it’s worst if your an Asian English teacher even if you’re from America , i hear they get like 3 to $4.
Oh their platform is the best though, most others just use Skype, that’s the ONLY thing that I’m gonna miss, i love using their software. le sigh
I currently work for TutorABC, and everything I have read so far is true. I have only been with them 3 months and I am looking to leave already. They do no pay $10/per hour. I am American with a master’s degree, but they only pay my $7.50
Thank you for sharing your experiences with TutorABC Lia! I’ll make sure to update the review so people know to check out your comment.
It is not $10 / hour.
It depends on your nationality and birthplace, which is quite racist if you ask me.
As long as you are an ESL, you should be paid the same as everyone else.
But .
If you are from Romania, your base rate it 3$/hour. Extremely low, and the bonuses are never guaranteed, there are too many factors ( student’s moods, their connection, if they are forgetful or not, if they are interested to give you feedback or not etc. ) implied .
If you are from Serbia, your base rate is $2/ hour.
If you are from Portugal, you get $6/hour.
If you are from United States, you get $10/hour .
The first two are considered 3rd world countries, I am afraid.
So it doesn’t matter if you have a Bachelor/Master’s Degree, Diplomas, TESOL/TEYFL certificates, superior studies, years of teaching experience, they will judge you based on your nationality, not on your performance.
So how does that sound ?Like racism? Yes, I think so. Like exploitation? Yes, I think so.
Even if you have outstanding results and amazing feedback as a Romanian/Serbian/European teacher on TutorAbc, you still have to work 2-3 times harder than other ESL teacher.
So I work at nights, 8-10 hours almost every day to get a $500 ( even beggars make more here ) pay per month because If I were to work regular hours I’d be paid $200-300 .
Yes, they give you opportunities but still you have to work so much harder than teachers from other countries who may or may not have results as good as yours or quality service as you can provide .
So is that fair ?
Is that racism?
Is that exploitation ?
You tell me, because my inner voice already knows these answers.
Thank you for sharing Oana, and I’m very sorry to hear about the difference in pay. As most of my readers are from the US I was told the rate was $10. It’s good to see another perspective on it. I’ll make sure international readers see your comment before joining.
I worked for them for almost a year last year. When you have to teach one or two students at a time it can be great. But when they overbook you, give you 6 spoiled bratty kids to teach at one time and then are filled with technical problems during the session it goes downhill from there. The staff starts off helpful but then it takes forever to get assisted by IT or the schedulers.
These analysts boss you around and act so uncaring when you have inquiries.
They are inflexible with schedule changes and push graveyard shifts and weekend work on you. Their platform is amazing but has so many tech issues. The juniors you teach….if they are teenagers act spoiled and very entitled. The ratings given are based on the whim and mood of children and adults who at times cannot even spell or read the word ‘the.’ Your pay is badly affected due to this and on the chinese website they encourage giving teachers bad ratings for the slightest issue which is always their fault anyway.
Messages are never responded and you have to continuously beg, bother and plead to get assistance.
Lesson plans are idiotic with so many spelling and grammar mistakes. No communication, no patience and frustrating people to work with.
I now work for learnlight.com. Twice the pay, a hands on supervisor and intelligent students. Highy recommended.
May I add to your comments above.
I live in Bulgaria now. I do give private lessons in Sofia to people who want to learn to speak and understand English. I never lie. I am actually an actress and I also sing. I always tell this to my students and I don’t pretend to know it all. But my students like me because I have a giving nature. So I earn for 45 min 10lv- which is something like 7$ or 5 euro. Not too bad for a our country(just about right). My prices are low as I am not an english teacher it’s just that I studied in the States and gained confidence about the it.
Here’s what happened today on my first two sessions. I got 3 ppl in the classroom. And they gave me a decent rate, one of them didn’t leave any so I didn’t get paid extra for teaching her. here is the math: 2$ (per hour) + 9(1,2$)+8(*0.8)= 4$ for the hour
The next session I was with only one girl. I gave my best> A lot of examples, corrections, questions…overall good teaching time … and she rated me 8(out of 10)
And so for today I made 5.4$… This isn’t even close to how much I earn in Bulgaria for 1 hour. where is much easier.
You never know anything … they don’t care for you, really. If they paid better I would be eager to work for them , but now …ahhh,no
I have always been good with math. Calculations and all.
I ended up crying today….because I felt used. My intuition told me not get into this, but I persisted. So I spend many hours learning their way… And to be honest I enjoyed the work…It’s just that this pay rate is soon low but many people would do it because they don’t know they deserve better.
And yes there is more. After one month they will pay me(if I stick with this godawful situation and humiliation) and the whomever(not very sure who) is taking 35$ from my earrings. And 10 % for taxes in the beginning of each year…so it is not even as much as if I work as a housemaid… or a beggar I guess.
Horrible experience… But for some might work.
I wish to find the right job for me and will be leaving free room for it to come 🙂
It is not a scam in the sense that they do pay you. But it is a scam in the sense that they take money from you and make you waste your time.
Tutorabc will suspend your account for an entire week just because they feel like it. and you will not be able to work fr an entire week. I worked with them for six months and they would suspend my account right before I would start my shift with no previous notice.
Your earnings are based on the ratings the students give you. Ofcourse, there will be unfair ratings because many times the students will blame you for technical problems on their end. When you try to tell them they might not understand you and IT takes forever to assist. Let’s say the student blames for his/her microphone not working/making too much noise and gets angry when you have to mute their microphone, therefore gives you a really bad rating. Let’s say you only get paid half for that session because of the bad rating. Next, let’s say you write to them asking them to pay you your money because it is not your fault and to please look into because you can tell it is an unfair rating. After you message them, you will be waiting an entire month for someone to even open and read your message. (you can tell when the message has been read) and they will not even respond.
Guess what happens after? Someone else will come in and suspend your account because your ratings go up and down and they don’t like that. They want your ratings to be perfect always and never go down.(naturally, it is impossible to keep them up, of course they will fluctuate, especially at the beginning of each week) The overall ratings will go down at the beginning of each week, but as you get more classes done, you will most likely finish the week with more good ratings than bad ratings. My ratings were excellent and I had excellent feedback form my students by the end of the week. But these people don’t care! they won’t even let you finish your week! They use every single excuse to blame you and hold you accountable for every unfair rating and seriously not even read your messages when you try to defend yourself.
They want you to be 100 perfect but it is impossible to please everybody. And just the fact that a students bad mood or lack of technical skills or internet speed will affect your pay, turns the whole thing into exploitation This is a sweatshop. Do not even bother! And on top of that they take your money to pay for Taiwanese taxes! when you don’t even live there!
If you have no dignity and want to work for people who treat you like this, then go ahead. But I think that every English teacher should boycott this company. It is pure exploitation.
Hey Jade WOW sorry to hear about your experiences with tutorABC. It’s great that they do pay, but terrible to hear about all of the other problems you experienced in the 6 months of working there.
I will make sure to update my review to tell everyone to look at the comments before applying.
Since you’ve left TutorABC is there any other online tutoring sites that you’ve worked for and prefer? Just so I can send my readers to a better option!
Thanks for taking the time to leave your experiences with this company!
Bello Jade, sorry to hear that. How much they pay you?