MyPoints is a site growing in popularity so it should be no surprise that MyPoints is not a scam. I took a look at this site and decided to write my review about the MyPoints Rewards Program.
If you’re not familiar, MyPoints is a site that is centered around getting paid to shop, but also pays you for watching videos, taking surveys, and a few other things.
Overall MyPoints seems to be pretty good, but after trying out the site, I think there are better sites out there for getting paid to shop and the other ways they allow you to earn.
Let’s get started with this review and learn more about MyPoints Rewards.
Is MyPoints A Scam?
Price: Free
Score: 80 out of 100
Verdict: Legit
In this MyPoints Review, I gave them a pretty good score. I liked how easy the site was laid out and the different options they had for earning.
Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of the rewards program, because some points per gift card differ from store to store meaning there is no value to a point.
Overall I think MyPoints is a good site that’s scam free, but I think there are better sites out there for everything they pay you to do.
How To Earn With MyPoints
This is the main way to earn with MyPoints.
Shopping works just like most other cash back sites. You visit MyPoints find the store you’d like to shop at and visit the store through the link. Continue to shop normally and checkout as you always would. After your order has been approved, you will be rewarded your cash back based on how much you spent.
Most of the cash back rates range in the 1-4% with some odd ball stores paying a bit higher. When visiting a stores page, they will also show you any current coupons that can be used during checkout.
There are over 500 stores to choose from, so most likely you will find the store you want to buy from.
MyPoints does have coupons for online shopping, but you’re not paid for using them. They also offer print out coupons for in store items such as groceries. There are usually 100s of coupons that can easily be printed off the MyPoints Website.
For every coupon you redeem, you will get 10 points. Redeem 10 or more coupons in a calendar month and receive a 25 point bonus!
I was a bit surprised by this section because most sites let you enter contests or just reward you for playing the games for free. With MyPoints, these are games like slots, where you purchase points to bet or play the game.
They are basically giving you cash back on your initial deposit, plus any deposits you make while playing the game in the future.
When you first join MyPoints, there are surveys available to you that help them complete your profile. After that, you will start to see some surveys come in from 3rd parties.
They don’t really show an estimated time for completion, but they are very clear on how many points you will be rewarded before you take your survey.
Just like most surveys, you will have to qualify for the survey, and I don’t see anything about getting a small reward for trying to qualify for a survey.
Videos are very simple at MyPoints. You will be rewarded 1 point per video you watch with a limit of 10 per day.
It looks like they always have more than 10 videos available, so you should be able to complete this every day.
Videos range from 1-3 minutes long, and you will be shown a short ad before each video.
Score (Browser Toolbar)
Score is what MyPoints calls their toolbar. It can be downloaded on most major browsers such as Chrome, Safari, FireFox, and Internet Explorer. When you download this toolbar, you will be given 100 point bonus.
Other than the bonus, the major advantage is this toolbar will tell you if you’re on a site that you could be getting cash back for your purchase at. It might not seem like a big deal, but I’ve bought plenty of things online and right after ordering remembered that I could have got cash back on it.
You can earn points for searching the internet through the MyPoints search. The search bar is available on their website and seems to show Google or Yahoo results depending on what you choose. It’s not laid out as pretty as Google, but the results seem to be the same.
Points are based on how many searches you do a month so I’ve broken it down below:
- 10 or less searches: 1 point
- 11-25: 10 points
- 26-40: 50 points
- 41 or more: 100 points
Points are awarded at the end of each month for the previous month’s totals.
The last way to earn with MyPoints is through their refer a friend program. I’ve included a screenshot to explain the details:
For every friend you invite that joins you will earn 25 points. 1,750 points for a friend who makes a purchase of $20 or more within 30 days of joining, and 10% of all points that you’re friends earn.
Overall this is a pretty good rate for inviting your friends. I like that they give you signup points and a percentage of earnings, plus throw in a bonus if they make a purchase in their first month.
From what I could find they don’t give you a link to easily copy and paste but do have built in email and Facebook invites. This is what most people will use anyway, but for blog owners, you will have to get creative and invite yourself through email then copy the link in the email.
The MyPoints Rewards Program
The MyPoints Rewards Program has plenty of Gift Card options for you to choose from and even have a cash option of PayPal. Personally, I really liked the gift card options because they offer PayPal, Amazon, and pretty much any store you can think of.
Most Rewards start at $10, but some including PayPal start at $25.
When earning through MyPoints, you’re rewarded points. You exchange these points for these prizes, but it’s hard to pin down the value of the point.
You can see from the screenshot below that there are 3 different $10 gift cards all for different amounts. The highest is Amazon, then stores like Bass Pro and Barnes and Noble are cheaper. From what I can see $10 gift cards range from the 1400-1700 point range, but it all depends on what type of store you’re looking for.
Just so you know the PayPal $25 gift card is 4,550, which is significantly higher than most other $25 gift cards.
MyPoints Concerns and Complaints
Point System and Rewards
I was pretty disappointed when I saw the different point amounts for the same $10 gift cards to different stores. Yes, they have a wide selection of stores to choose from, but basically they make you pay more for the stores that are popular and most people will pick.
This makes it difficult to put a value to points that you earn, I’d like to see a cash value put on your earnings instead of points, but at least make all the gift cards the same price unless they are on sale or a promotional price.
Better Sites Then MyPoints
Personally, I think MyPoints is a scam free completely legit site, but I feel like there are better sites for everything that they offer. For example, the search is good, but I prefer Swagbucks or Qmee. The shopping is good too, but Ebates has much better cash back rates.
Those are just a few examples that jump out to me very quickly. Overall it’s a good site, but there are better sites out there.
So Is MyPoints Legit?
MyPoints is completely legit and scam free. I’ve already mentioned that I still feel like there are better sites out there. With that being said if you’re already a member of MyPoints you won’t get scammed and are a member at a pretty good site.
I liked the various ways they let you earn and that they have a decent mobile app. If MyPoints sounds like a site you’re interested in feel free to join here.
For you that are interested in the sites that I recommend over MyPoints visit my Legit Extra Income Sites. Personally, I believe these sites are better the MyPoints in every category they let you earn.
If extra income isn’t what you’re looking for, take a look at my #1 recommendation for making a full-time income online.
Have Information About the MyPoints Rewards Program? Think this MyPoints Review is wrong? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments section below!

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