I recently ran across a pretty cool work from home opportunity called tutor.com.
If your interested in helping people learn and have a college degree this might be a great opportunity for you to make some extra money in your free time.
In this Tutor.com Review I will talk a bit more about how this works, give you information about requirements, and how much you can earn with Tutor.com.
Let’s get started with this Tutor.com review and learn more about this legit work from home opportunity.
VIPKid is an ESL tutoring site paying up to $21 an hour. Make sure to read my VIPKid review!
Tutor.com Work From As A Tutor
Tutor.com is a great work from home opportunity for educated people looking to make some extra money in there spare time or even a full time job.
There are some strict requirements and application process, but if you can meet them becoming a tutor is pretty easy.
I do recommend Tutor.com, but there are some things that concern me. Don’t worry I will be covering al this below in this tutor.com review.
Tutor.com Requirements
Tutor.com does have some requirements that are pretty specific so here they are. You must be a resident of the US or Canada. You need to be enrolled or graduated from a credited US or Canadian college or university. You will need to have knowledge in Math, Science, English, and History. You will be required to pass subject exams during your application.
The only other requirements I could find were technical. You need to have a Windows computer with high speed internet access. No Mac computers allowed I think the tutoring application they use does not operate correctly on Macs.
Tutor.com Application Process
The Tutor.com application process will take a week or so to complete. First you fill out an application. This is basically your personal information, plus a resume and information about your education history.
After your application is filled out you will need to pass subject exams in the subjects you are interested in tutoring in. From what I’ve heard these exams aren’t too difficult, so if your qualified to tutor a subject you should have no problem passing.
The next step is going through a training tutoring session with an accepted tutor. From what I’ve found this takes about an hour and you will be asked questions and evaluated on how well you communicate, explain, and help the student.
After you pass the mock tutor session, tutor.com will run a background check. This could take up to a week to come back and be evaluated.
Once the background check is approved you’re able to start tutoring immediately.
Tutor.com Tutoring Process
With Tutor.com you can tutor at anytime you’re available. Basically you will log in and wait in the for students that need help in the subjects you can provide help.
You will then enter a tutoring session or what they call the “classroom.” You then help the student with whatever they need.
There is no limit or minimum amount of time you can tutor students so income is all based on how much time you can devote to tutoring.
How Much Does Tutor.com Pay?
From what I’ve found in forums and on the tutor.com website, tutors will be paid anywhere from $9-$13 an hour based on difficulty of subject and how long and experienced you are with the company.
Those rates are for when you’re actually tutoring students. When you’re logged in and waiting for students to help you will be paid $5.50 an hour.
I struggled finding out how they make payments, but based on other tutoring services most likely it’s either check or direct deposit and payments made monthly.
You will be hired as an independent contractor, which means that no taxes will be taken out of payments. This is not a problem, but you will responsible to report and pay these come tax time.
Tutor.com Concerns & Complaints
I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you about some Tutor.com Concerns and Complaints so this is what I came up with.
Getting Tutoring Sessions
I’ve reviewed a few other tutoring sites and some of them let students schedule tutoring sessions that automatically get put on your schedule. From what I see with Tutor.com you have to first help someone and then enter the classroom to get paid the full rate for tutoring.
This should not be a huge issue, but this means you have to go out and compete with other tutors online to get tutoring sessions from students.
Time Frame & Your Situation
Now I can’t speak for your situation, but I would expect most people tutoring either already work as a teacher or professor and are looking for some side income.
The most popular times to tutor are during the school year after students get off school so from 3 or 4 till 10. From what I’ve heard this site is pretty dead during the summer and during breaks like around Christmas.
This isn’t a huge deal, but to make a good income you might have to give up some of your night time hours to get tutoring sessions. Just doing this during the summer and other breaks you have off might not be much of an income generator.
Is Tutor.com A Scam or Legit?
Tutor.com is a completely legit site that will pay you to work from home as a tutor. I do recommend this site to anyone that can meet the requirements and has a passion for helping students learn.
I think you can easily make some extra income, just by giving up a few hours a day to tutor students. And there is a possiblity to earn a bigger income if you can devote a good amount of time during the busier hours.
I really liked that they paid you for your waiting time and not just while your tutoring, but didn’t like that you had to go out and get each student individually. They might have a way for students to request certain tutors, but I could not find any information on this.
Despite my concerns Tutor.com is a great way to make money online as a tutor. To apply visit Tutor.com here.
If tutoring isn’t your thing, take a look at some of these other work from home opportunities.
To see how I’m my own boss and make a full time income online just by helping people make money online visit Start Your Own Online Business.
One last thing, Thank you for reading this tutor.com review. I was in the dark on a few details about this site, so if you’ve worked for this company or know some other information please leave comments below!