Getting paid to do things that you already do on the internet is flat out amazing! I have reviewed and personally use quite a few programs that make me money every day and the best part is I don’t have to do anything extra or abnormal than my normal routine.
My newest find is a company called Qmee, Qmee rewards you for searching the internet! Qmee has become one of my favorite browser extensions to use to make some extra bucks each month, and I highly recommend you checking it out.
Qmee pays you to search the internet and as you probably expected it doesn’t pay much. Qmee is legitimate but if you’re interested in a large online income, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online each month!
In this Qmee Review, I will be showing you exactly what Qmee is, how Qmee works, why I like Qmee so much, and even talk about Qmee Cheats.
What Is Qmee & How Does It Work
What is It?
Qmee is a company that offers a free browser application that promotes paid search ads within major search engines. The application works on PC and MAC across the major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, & eBay. Qmee brings up search results relevant to your searches then pays you for clicking on them.
How Can They Do This?
Qmee is directly affiliated with major search engine ad programs. Basically, Qmee is the search engines way of giving back to users for clicking on paid ads and keeping them in business.
How Does It Work?
The Qmee process is actually very simple. First, you join Qmee, which you can do here, and install the browser extension. From now on when searching within the 5 major search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay, Qmee will automatically pull up search results related to your current search.
When Qmee brings up results, it will show the website information, and the amount you will receive for clicking on the ad. Once you click on the ad, you will be taken to the ad page and your Qmee account will be credited.
Qmee Review
Website: ⇐ JOIN HERE!
Price: FREE
Score: 97 out of 100
Verdict: LEGIT!
I gave Qmee a 97 out of 100 because it requires no work from you other than your normal searching and you get paid for it. I have been using Qmee for a while now and have been paid multiple times by it through PayPal. I have had zero problems and no complaints, it’s basically flawless other than a few concerns.
Qmee Positives
The best part about Qmee is the payment system. There is no minimum cash out amount which means you can cash out with as little as $.05 in your account. All payments are made through PayPal which means you must have a PayPal account to use Qmee, but if you don’t have PayPal you need to get one anyways!
UPDATE 11/16: Qmee now offers payments via Gift Cards to Amazon, iTunes, and Starbucks. But don’t worry donations and PayPal are still available!
Payments are made at any time. No need to wait until the end of the month. When you request a payout from Qmee, they will instantly transfer money. Funds are usually in your PayPal account within just a few minutes.
Here is proof of payment that I received just while writing this review.
Referral Program
Qmee does offer a referral program, and it’s a very simple one. Once you’ve used the program for a while you will gain access to the invite friends tab.
They will give you your own referral link, and you can invite friends easily by sending out social media posts.
You will earn $1 for every friend that you invite who cashes out at least 1 time. Once they cash out any amount of money you earn $1 for referring them!
Qmee Concerns
Not Going To Make Tons of Money
One thing you must understand is Qmee is not going to make you $1,000s of dollars each month. Qmee is meant to earn you cash on searching and should be used with other online opportunities if you would like to make a solid income online. You can learn more about other online opportunities here.
Only Available On Computer
One disadvantage to Qmee is there is currently no Mobile App. They say there will be in the future, but for now, all earnings will have to come from your computer.
Only Available in US & UK
Qmee is actually a UK based company, but it is also available within the US. Qmee says at this time there is no plan for expansion to other countries.
Qmee Cheats
You will not be given search results from Qmee on every single search that you perform, which is understandable or you could search all day and earn on every single search, which leads to people taking advantage. Personally, if you find any cheats out there I would not recommend using them on the chance of your account being banned.
But here is what I can tell you. First off make sure you are searching normally. Don’t just search 100 times in a row Qmee will catch on. It seems that results only come up if the company is affiliated with Qmee. From personal experience any local searches don’t give you results your best bet is searching for big company products. These searches seem to give you results most often!
Final Verdict
I highly recommend using Qmee to start earning money for searching the internet. Although there are a few concerns I don’t see how they outweigh the positives. I personally use Qmee every day and think you should too!
Join Qmee Here!
What To Do Now?
I highly recommend joining Qmee. It’s a great way to earn some cash for something you already do. I want to also inform you of a few other similar companies. SwagBucks also rewards you for searching the internet along with multiple other ways to make money. Both are great options to earn money while searching and I personally use both and get paid by them all each month!
If you’re just looking for extra income Qmee is an awesome browser extension to use. If you’re looking for a full-time online income, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online each month!
Thank you for reading my Qmee Review. I hope you enjoyed your time on my site and I hope you take advantage of the links above to find a great way to make money online for you. If you have had experiences with this company, I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below and don’t forget to share with your friends!
If you didn’t find what you were looking for here, check out these helpful links:
How I Made Over $13,000 Online Last Month
Work From Home Companies Hiring Now
Extra Income Sites I Use That Pay Me

How in the world have I never heard of Qmee? What an easy opportunity when you are already searching the internet anyway. I do have one quick question for you. You said that Qmee isn’t super helpful for local searches. Does that mean that when you search something local there just won’t be paid ads that pop up in your search results? I mean, you will still get results, right?
Thanks for the information and for your great site. I’ll definitely be checking out all of these recommendations.
Hey, Amy! Great question. When you use Qmee, you’ll always see the normal results. If no Qmee results show up, then it’s just like you were using Google without the app. When Qmee shows results, there’re on a sidebar so you can still clearly see the normal results as well.
What I meant was Qmee rarely shows results when doing local searches. As mentioned, searching for specific products yields the most results.
Hope that clears it up
How in the world have I never heard of Qmee? What an easy opportunity when you are already searching the internet anyway. I do have one quick question for you. You said that Qmee doesn’t pull up local search results. Does that mean that you just won’t seen paid advertisement results if you search something local?
Thanks for the information and for your great site. I’ll definitely be checking out all of these recommendations.
Hey just wanted to say great post found it very usefully and something that I would be definitely interested in. Great way to earn little cash for doing what we already do every day and that is searching. Great review thanks again for share this information. will recommend to friends and family.
Thanks for reading my Qmee Review. Qmee is one of my favorite extra income sites because it’s so easy to earn and you don’t need to do anything special.
Hopefully you enjoy being a member.
Let me know if you have any WAH questions
I read your article about QMEE Review. I should say that you have done an excellent job about this product. Your review is very detailed and clear. Each and every heading that you have chosen is very meaningful. You show the people rather than just telling them. I am sure that people who visit your website will read your article and be impressed with it.
Hey Shivaram thanks for the kind words about my Qmee Review and glad you enjoyed it!
Make sure to check out some of my other extra income recommendations
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! Thank you for this post Brok! I have never heard of qmee before this. it sounds like a great way to earn a few extra bucks per month.
I just started my own online business a couple of months ago, so I am always interested in hearing about other ways to supplement my income online. Diversify!
Hey SV,
Glad you enjoyed my Qmee Review. This is a great way to make a few extra bucks a month for something you already do.
It’s super easy to get started and like you said it can help pay a few bills if you have your own online business!
Thanks for checking out my site
Hey this is what is great about doing reviews you come across all sorts of interesting things that people know nothing about (Like me) Good to see you have reviewed it thoroughly and you actually use it yourself so that a good bases for a recommendation.
So interesting what’s out there and a few bucks for doing something that you already do is cool. Thanks for telling your readers about this 😉
Hey Peter,
Thanks for the comment and kind words. Qmee is a great site to earn a few extra bucks for something you already do!
Glad you found my Qmee Review and you should check out some of the extra income sites I recommend.
May find a few more you didn’t know about! =)
I read your Qmee review. Very interesting how it works. You get paid if people click on the qmee search. So you don’t have to sell anything and you get paid for suggesting it. I like it. I might be interested on it later on. I also liked the 5 Search Engine Evaluator Jobs . I’m going to check that out to.
Good information. Great Site.
Hey David thanks for checking out my site.
You’re right that you can get paid for clicking on ads or for referring people. It’s not a huge income, but worth it in my opinion to earn a few extra bucks each month!
If you’re interested in the search engine assessor post you may want to check out some other work at home jobs I have listed on my site.
Hope this helps
Hello, I would have to say I have never come across QMEE.
Being paid for clicking on add’s sound different. In the QMEE review box you have a small error [awhile], hope you don’t mind me saying. 🙂
I like your proof of earnings but can I ask, how many clicks and how much time did that amount take you to do?
Unfortunately I live in Poland (I am English though) and won’t be moving back until mid August so I will have to wait a while to try it out, but it does sound interesting.
Thanks for this one.
Hey Dillon thanks for leaving a comment!
Most clicks pay from $.04-$.20. So it does take some time to build up. Also they have a referral program where i make a dollar for every referral that cashes out for the first time.
Qmee is designed to make you a few extra bucks each month, so if you know that you should be pretty satisfied.
I’d say each month I earn $2-$3 just from clicking on the ads that appear while doing the normal shopping/searching that I do.
Hope this helps!
Ummm You might want to fix your review because their referral program is open after you do a couple of searches for a while the system recognizes that you’re using the system and soon they automatically place your referral link in your dash board called invite friends and you make $1 per person
Thank you for letting me know! Review has been updated and you’re correct on the terms, but for me it was about two months of being a member before the invite friends tab ended up showing up!
Thanks again for letting me know of the update needed
Thanks for bringing Qmee to my attention, Brok. I had no idea such a program existed! It is interesting to see how it works and can generate income. I hope it will be implemented in other countries different from the USA and UK. Many more people could benefit from it. Blessings!
Thank you for the comment and I am glad you enjoyed this post. At this time it’s only available in the US and UK which is a major disadvantage, but hopefully they will open it up to more countries soon. If you’re still interested in getting paid to search check out SwagBucks it’s most likely open to your country.
Interesting read! I had no idea there was something out there like this. I don’t care if it just pays me a few bucks here and there. If all I have to do is search the web, which I’m already doing, it’s a no brainer. Thanks for this.
Thanks for the comment. That’s the exact mindset I have. If I am already going to search, why not get paid for doing so!
I have found a decent earning online thanks to you. It will surely not make you rich, but it definitely is working and you can earn revenue.
Glad to hear that you enjoyed the post and I have helped you make some money online. Love to hear success stories so continue to share!
Hey Brok,
I really appreciate this review, however, personally, I really dislike ads and the less I have to see in my browser the better! I’m sure many people make some money with Qmee, but I will have to pass on this one!
Anyways, I look forward to your future posts!
I understand the ads can be annoying luckily they do not show up on every single search and they make it nice by keeping them on a sidebar which makes them easy to ignore if really want to.
Income wise you’re not going to get rich from this program, but an extra few bucks a month is worth it for some people. I guess the choice is up to you!
Thanks for the comment,
Hello, Brok. Thank you so much for sharing this, I have bookmarked it to go to later. Very good job! I have another website @, but the above is my latest blog. Thanks again! Peggy