If you’ve read my blog before you know that I’m here to tell you about a scam. Is Coffee Shop Millionaire A Scam? Honestly, it’s not a complete scam, but this product really won’t do much for you.
Coffee Shop Millionaire is one of those products that the so-called internet marketing gurus are all backing. Sad thing is this product is now out dated and has not kept up with changing times.
I understand why all the gurus backed it though. Coffee Shop Millionaire has tons of up sells even before you enter the members area after purchasing.
Coffee Shop Millionaire is not a scam, but in this review I will show you exactly why this is not a product to buy.
Coffee Shop Millionaire Review
Website: www.coffeeshopmillionaire.com
Owner: Anthony Trister
Price: $37.00 a Month + Up Sells
Score: 60 Out of 100
Verdict: Legit, but Not Recommended
Coffee Shop Millionaire is a product that teaches the basics of internet marketing through a series of modules and videos.
With this being said in this Coffee Shop Millionaire Review I gave a pretty crappy score. The reasoning behind this is out dated training, unrealistic expectations on the sales page, tons of Up Sells, and lack of support.
This product is not worth your time and money because you will end up spending much more than the base $37 a month on up sells and are taught out dated information that no longer works.
CSM Sales Page
Coffee Shop Millionaire’s sales page is just like most money-making online products. It features a video that gives you an inspiring story about the lifestyle that Anthony lives. He makes millions a year and gets to sit in coffee shops all day and travel the world.
Although this is possible, it’s very unrealistic. Very few people actually make it to that level and it’s because of years of hard work, not by just buying a product that promises you the lifestyle.
CSM Members Area
Once you enter the members area you will see 12 different training modules. CSM does cover the basics of internet marketing though out these modules and does include some extra training videos.
The main concept of this course is that you can make $21,000 in a few months using their system. For anyone who has tried internet marketing and those who have become successful know that this not the case.
It takes a lot of hard work and could take years to build up an income of that size. It’s not possible to do it in a few weeks or months.
Inside the training they do cover how to set up social networks, email marketing, and video marketing. But all they do is touch the surface of these topics.
CSM Up Sells
Coffee Shop Millionaire features a few up sells before you even make it to the members area. The biggest one being hosting, website creation, and domain name.
Before you even enter the members area this $37 product has jumped to over $300.
This is pretty common with scam products, they give you a low-cost product, but before you even get to the members area they hit you with a bigger ticket item that is necessary to complete the course.
There is also an up sell that involves getting premium support and website help from Anthony, but I highly recommend not paying for this Up Sell.
Coffee Shop Millionaire Concerns
Do I believe you can learn about Internet Marketing with the Coffee Shop Millionaire product? Yes I am sure of it, but why waste your time on a site that is going to force you to watch a long sales video, hit you with up sells, teach you some out dated information, and then not give you everything you need to succeed online.
One of the biggest concerns I have with Coffee Shop Millionaire is the support. I’ve been through the process of learning how all this works and I’ve got to say that most of the time I needed a lot of help with different lessons and techniques.
The community within CSM is not very active, you can email support and they will get back to you, but who wants to wait all day for an email that most likely won’t be helpful.
You might as well find a site that is a one stop shop for all your internet marketing training and hosting. A site that is not going to bribe you with big incomes and an inspiring story, make you pay twice before even entering the members area, and will give you the support you need to succeed. Keep on reading to learn more about a site better called Wealthy Affiliate.
Is Coffee Shop Millionaire A Scam?
Coffee Shop Millionaire is not a scam, but it’s not a very good product either. Can you learn some basics about Internet Marketing? Yes, but a lot of the techniques taught are out dated and Google no longer likes the technique.
Along with the lesson problems you’re going to be paying a lot of cash just to get everything you need to use this product. My recommendation is, although this product is not a scam, to stay away from this product, and find a better option.
Since we’re on the subject of a better option. You’re probably interested in My #1 Recommendation, Wealthy Affiliate.
This site will let you join for completely free and access 10 training videos. Another bonus is you actually get free hosting and website creation.
You can learn about Internet Marketing and build your own website for completely free!
To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate and how it can benefit you, visit Start Your Own Online Business.
Thank you for reading this post on the Coffee Shop Millionaire Scam. I’d love to hear your thoughts below! This product is not a scam, but I’d check out my recommendations above first!

Dear Brok,
Thanks for the review on Coffee Shop Millionaire and you have provided detailed information. I always love the products review because it saves our time, energy, money & efforts. Thanks for the guidance. This review is going to help many people to make their decision on purchasing this product. Keep up the great work and wishing you great success. I will come back to your website to learn more information. All the very best!
Your Friend,
Thanks for reading Paul! Glad you enjoyed the review.
Hello Brok
$20000 in a few weeks huh?Drinking coffees throughout the world?
Impressive lifestyle.!!!
What else are these gurus gonna use in order to persuade people?I ‘ve just watched their video presentation.
This is definitely not the way Internet Marketing works.
Great article
Sounds like the life you want to live right?
I know it sounds far fetched, but it’s exactly the type of sales tactics that work online, but
as you know this isn’t how it really works!
But as you said the gurus always have the NEXT BIG SYSTEM to promote!
Thanks for the comment!