MiniSite Riches Review: MiniSite Riches Bonus

MiniSite Riches is one of the products that just looks to good to be true. They promise a turn-key website that receives a lot of traffic, optimized for conversions, will rake in the doe, all for a cheap price.

minisite riches review

The problem is MiniSite Riches doesn’t do any of those things. All they do is give you a turn-key website that will receive no traffic, which means conversion rates don’t matter and you won’t be making any money.

In this Minisite Riches Review I will show you exactly why this product won’t make you money online and even tell you about the Minisite Riches Bonus.

Minisite Riches Review

minisite riches bonusWebsite:

Price: $11.99

Score: 10 Out of 100

Verdict: Scam

In this Minisite Riches review I gave this product a terrible score and marked it a scam. This product will in no way help you make money online. Basically you’re paying for a pre-made website and those no longer get ranked by Google.

What you will end up with is a website that gets no traffic, which leads to no sell, and no money.

The whole idea of building small niche sites is not a scam, and tons of people make money online with it, but this product and the automated system they have set up will not help you achieve success.

I highly recommend staying away from this product, but if building a website is what you’re looking for check out Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach you how to build a website that actually gets traffic and will make you money!

Minisite Riches Concerns

Turn-Key Websites Don’t Work (whole system problem)

The biggest problem with Minisite Riches is the whole automated process just doesn’t work anymore. If you’re familiar with making money online with website you know that traffic is key. When you purchase this product you’re going to get a pre-made website that doesn’t have any content on it, other then the few pages included with each website.

Google no longer likes website that just have a few pages of content. They are now ranking sites that have 100s of great quality pages. This means that Google and other search engines are not going to show you in search results. That means you’re going to have to find other sources of traffic to make any money. That basically leaves paid search, which obviously costs money, and social media, which is a lot harder then most people realize to actually send a bunch of traffic to a website.

So the two options you have for traffic are paying for it or social media, which is going to require a ton of work. If you had any intention of buying this product you were probably interested because it says turn-key and doesn’t require work, but in reality to get any traffic it’s going to require much more work then just creating a website and creating content for yourself.

Duplicate Website Content Doesn’t Rank

The next issue I have with this program is everyone that purchases this product gets a website. If you didn’t know they aren’t hand writing new content for every person, they are giving you the exact same content as the last person that bought the program.

Google hates duplicate websites and content. What will happen is your website won’t rank and eventually the first person who bought this products website won’t rank either. This brings us back to the first issue of traffic. If your website isn’t going to bring in organic search traffic you’ll have to find a new way to promote your website.

Email Support Only

Even those this product is what they call “turn-key” they do offer a little bit of customization. There is no training or easy way to get support from this product. Basically if you have an issue you’re left with email support to clear up the problem, which usually means there is at least a 24 hour delay.

All together this program isn’t going to make you money online and not having a valid support channel there is no way you should purchase this product.

Is Minisite Riches Legit?

In my opinion, and I believe you will agree after reading this review that Minisite Riches is not legit, but a complete scam. The whole process just doesn’t work within Google anymore. You won’t receive any traffic to your website and traffic is the key to making money online with a website.

Minisite riches doesn’t offer any real value even though it’s only $11 to purchase I still think you would be wasting your 11 bucks, especially when you can get access to top rated website product for only $8 more.

This product is a scam so please stay away from MiniSite Riches, but I did promise you a Minisite Riches Bonus didn’t I. Well here it is, hopefully you found this review before you purchased this product, so I just saved you $11.99 and just for fun here is my #1 recommendation for making money online!

Thank you for reading this Minisite Riches Review. Hopefully you enjoyed your Minisite Riches Bonus, but with all jokes aside if you have any questions about this product please leave comments below!

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MiniSite Riches
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2 thoughts on “MiniSite Riches Review: MiniSite Riches Bonus”

  1. Hi,

    I found your site while researching if mini site riches was a scam or not. I’m trying to make some extra money online so needless to say your article here was very informative to me. I had no idea what duplicate content was prior to reading this or that I may end up having to pay to drive traffic to a website that wont rank due to it being the same as countless others. I guess I was looking for the easy road to making money online although I knew that route probably didnt exist. It looks like I have to put in some work to achieve my dreams of financial freedom so I am going to take your advice and join the wealthy affiliate program.

    • Jonathan,

      I’m very happy you found my review before purchasing this product! You’re going to save some money and time, and most importantly you’ve found a legit way and know what it takes to make money online.

      There is no easy way to make money online so make sure to stay away from these systems promising you a few hours of work and then success, because that’s just not how it works!

      Take a look at WA and I know you will be happy with what you see.




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