Lionbridge Review: is Interpreting for Lionbridge a Scam?

lionbridge interpreter review scam or legitimateLionbridge offers on-site and phone interpretation and translation. They provide service in over 360 languages and dialects to meet a wide variety of needs. In this review, I will look at the telephonic opportunity for interpretation.

Interpreting and translation aren’t for everyone, make sure to check out the other work at home jobs hiring now!

Lionbridge Requirements

Many of the jobs for Lionbridge are government jobs and will require a background check. They don’t specify any requirements, but having experience in interpretation, translation, and transcription will certainly help, also knowing more than one language will help. The more languages you know, especially if they are uncommon languages, you will possibly have more opportunities to work.

Lionbridge Application Process

Go here to see what’s available with Lionbridge. If you want to go right to the application, click here.

They have a secure site for inputting your information. But if you’re not comfortable with that, they will accept your resume by email. Only for US candidates, send an email to Be sure to include your name, location, languages, and detailed experience in the body of the email. Remember to include a copy of your resume.

But let’s say you want to complete the application on their website. Here’s what it entails:

  • Personal/Contact Info
    • Name
    • Tax ID Number (SSN or EIN)
    • Gender
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Website
    • Address
    • City, State, and Country of Birth
    • Date of Birth
    • Citizenship Status
    • Year of US Residence (this is the year you were born or became a US resident)
  • Education (enter info about your highest level of education
    • School
    • Graduation Date
    • Degree
    • Major
    • Language of Study
  • Your Language Skills
    • Select the languages that you know
    • Your skill level with each language
    • And how long you’ve known the language
    • Add as many as you know
  • Interpretation Experience
    • Translation (includes written or oral translation of documents)
    • Consecutive Interpretation (interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished
    • Simultaneous Interpretation (interpreter speaks in the target language as soon as possible while the source speaker continues to speak)
    • You are also given 255 characters to describe your experience
  • Do you have security clearance?
  • Do you have a military background?

Next, you will create a login and password, followed by selecting your areas of interest. Complete your application by uploading a copy of your resume. And that’s it. Submit.

If you want to change any of your personal information, you can log in to update your profile. If they need any of the languages that you speak, someone will call or email you shortly. If you don’t hear from them, you are welcome to email them at for more info.

According to a review on Glassdoor, the hiring process will take at least a few weeks, and includes an entrance exam. I think the exam makes sense – they need to know if you really know the languages that you claim to know.

How Much Does Lionbridge Pay?

According to salary reviews posted on Glassdoor, it looks as though hourly contract interpreters get paid between $19 and $41 per hour. The average is posted at $29 per hour. It was posted again with a different title, but still “hourly interpreter,” and that average was $25 per hour, ranging from $9 to $45.

Another hourly contractor position states an average of $15 per hour, ranging from $13 to $19 per hour. Two others who called themselves “hourly contractors” stated $14 and $52 per hour. Another hourly contractor stated a range of $17 to $19 per hour.

One of the reviews claims that you are essentially paid by the minute. This sounds like what I’ve heard from other similar companies.

The ranges are quite large. The differences likely have to do with the languages you are servicing, your skill and experience level, and the type of job.

When Does Lionbridge Pay?

You will be submitting your time and expense information within the Lionbridge portal. It is unclear how often they pay, or by what mode.

Lionbridge Schedule

As with most contract positions, the schedule is flexible, but you still need to meet deadlines.

Based on a review, I was able to understand that in some jobs, you will be waiting for calls to come in, which you will need to interpret or translate. I can see where this would be a “per the minute” job.

Lionbridge Feedback

I found many reviews for Lionbridge on Glassdoor. The most popular reviews are as follows:


  • The ability to work from home (stated 183 times in reviews)
  • Good work-life balance (stated 37 times)
  • Flexible hours (stated 72 times)


  • No benefits (stated 30 times, but we know this to be true of virtually ALL freelance/contract positions)
  • No pay increases (stated 23 times)
  • Limited calls make it hard to make more money
  • Inconsistent hours
  • Hours are capped at 20-24 hours per week

Is Interpreting for Lionbridge a Scam?

Based on my research, interpreting for Lionbridge is NOT a scam! If you know other languages and want to try interpreting or translating, this could be a profitable opportunity for you! If you want to apply, go here to start your application!

If you don’t think interpreting is for you, check out these helpful links for some other ideas:

Work At Home Jobs Hiring Now

Extra Income Sites That Pay

How To Start A Blog

Learn how you can work from home as an interpreter and make $29/HR With LionBridge!

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