One of the most popular ways to make some extra money is through Mystery Shopping. Since there’s so many people interested in the work, there’s hundreds of mystery shopping scams out there.
But today I think I found a completely legit mystery shopping job site called TrendSource. The application process is pretty detailed and it’s not just a sign up in a few minutes and begin to make money kind of job.
But once you get through the whole hiring process it can be a lucrative way to make some extra money in your spare time.
In this TrendSource Mystery Shopping Jobs Review I’ll cover the requirements, a typical job, how much you get paid, and all the important details of being a mystery shopper.
TrendSource Mystery Shopping Requirements
Here are the requirements to become a mystery shopper aka “field agent” for Trendsource. You’ll need to be 18 year of age and have access to the internet. You’ll need the internet to find jobs and make notes about what you found during your mystery shopping trip.
You’ll also need a way to capture pictures and upload them on the internet. A smartphone works just fine for this.
The only other requirement to work for TrendSource is having an EIN. This is something I’ve not seen as a requirement anywhere else, but it’s pretty easy to get. Basically an EIN number is an employer identification number and you can get one easily online, but contact a professional for advice an instructions on how to get one.
TrendSource Application Process
Like I mentioned the mystery shopper application process is pretty lengthy, but here’s everything you’ll see.
The first step is filling out an application on their website. This includes basic personal and demographic information.
The second step is confirming your identity, you’ll need to provide a copy of an id and your EIN number which I talked about in the requirements.
The next step is skills screening where you’ll have to take a few tests and enter more demographic information so they can match jobs to you.
The last step is passing the certification program. After passing your accepted and you can begin to complete mystery shopping jobs in your area.
Typical Mystery Shopping Job
The mystery shopping jobs seem to vary, but here’s the main categories that you’ll find at TrendSource:
Mystery Shopping: Visit a store, make a purchase, and evaluate the performance of the store and staff
Inspections: Visit a store and take pictures of problems you might find in the store
Audits: Visit stores and make sure products are displayed properly.
Surveys: Ask customers their thoughts on the store and its staff
You’ll see all of these available from time to time at TrendSource. These type of jobs can be at a grocery store, restaurant, movie theater, or any other business where customers come to the store to make purchases.
How Much Do TrendSource Shoppers Make?
There is no set amount you’ll earn as a mystery shopper for TrendSource. They don’t pay per hour, but do pay on a per project basis. Rate depends on what information you’re required to provide.
I found in some forums that most members are making $50-$500 a month, but it really depends on how many jobs are available in your area and how many jobs you complete.
TrendSource pays twice a month. US members can set up direct deposit or have a check mailed. Canada and UK members have the option of PayPal payments.
Is TrendSouce Legit or A Scam?
As I mentioned there’s a ton of mystery shopping job scams out there so I’m happy to say that TrendSource is completely legit and scam free. It seems that they’ve made the application lengthy just to prove that they’re legit and to make sure shoppers are high quality.
One thing to mention is once you fill out the application you can see all the jobs available before moving further into the application process. So if your area doesn’t have many jobs and you don’t think it’s worth it, you can make that decision before going through all the other steps.
Overall I think TrendSource is a great company to do mystery shopping with. Feedback is basically all positive and I like that they pay multiple times per month. I’m not really sure the deal with requiring an EIN number, but it is super easy to get one so it shouldn’t be a huge deal.
If you’d like to learn more visit the TrendSource Website or join here on the parent companies website.
Mystery Shopping not for you? Here’s some other great ways to make extra cash in your spare time and you don’t have to visit stores!
If extra income isn’t enough visit My #1 Recommendation to make a full-time income at home!
Do you think mystery shopping is legit? Let me hear your thoughts on this TrendSource Review in the comments section below!

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