Trust Jacker Review
Product: Trust Jacker
Owner: Rob Jones
Price: $42.25
Score: 30 Out Of 100
Verdict: SCAM
Have you ever wanted to make some extra cash by sharing popular articles on social media. Now you can with the Trust Jacker system.
Trust Jacker was created by Rob Jones and is a system that gives you ad revenue for sending people to a popular post having to do with popular current events.
In this Trust Jacker Review I will be showing you how Trust Jacker works, what you get when buying, and the positives and concerns of this program.
How Trust Jacker Works
The Trust Jacker program works like this. First you download the system. Then you find popular articles across the internet that has to do with todays current events. You then post the link on social media. When people visit the link and try to leave the website an ad will appear. If the visitor fill outs the form within the ad you get paid.
What You Get When Buying
- Trust Jacker System Download
- 7 Training Videos Showing how to use the system and maximize success
- Access to A Facebook Group Where Ideas and techniques can be shared
Trust Jacker Positives
Facebook Group
I really liked that Trust Jacker offered a Facebook Group. The group is pretty active and is a great place to go to learn what is working for other people and get advice on how you can make your campaigns more successful.
Can Earn You Money
This program actually can earn you money. The key is going to be finding current events that are popular with your social media followers that will actually generate links. Another key is going to be driving a ton of traffic because most people won’t feel out the form within the ads.
I was able to make money with this program, but it seems that my results and from the look of the Facebook page people are not seeing the kind of the results within the sales video. Which is expected because obviously they will only use an example inside the sales video that worked very well and earned a lot of money.
Training Included
Another great thing about this program is that they do include some training. There are 7 different videos included. This includes how to download and set up the program, how to find trending articles to promote, and finding top performing CPA offers.
The training pretty much covers everything you need to know with this system and is high quality videos that are extremely easy to understand.
Trust Jacker Concerns
Sales Page
The sales page only includes a video that does give you a pretty good idea of what you’re getting involved in. But one problem that I had with it is it shows an example of someone earning a great deal of income off this system.
I have used this program and have made some income, but based off what I’ve seen across the internet no one is making the kind of money that is shown within the sales video.
Up Sells
I really hate programs that have Up Sells. If I am purchasing a product that is supposed to help me make money why is not everything I need to succeed in the product I initial bought. Of course this is just a tactic to get you to spend more money.
There are 3 up sells within Trust Jacker after buying. All have to do with extra support, 1 on 1 training, and a fast track program that is supposed to help you earn more faster.
If you do end up deciding to buy this product, I would suggest staying away from the Up Sells.
So the whole point of this program is to get people to the popular articles, show them the ad and get them to fill out the form. Here is an example of what an ad will look like.
With this program you do not actually get paid for sending people to an article. The only way you get paid is if they fill out the form or CPA offer that you show when they try to leave the page.
I don’t know about you, but I would never fill anything like this out and I would have to say that most people will not either. One reason being it’s a pop up and since it’s a pop up that only comes up when you try to leave the page it makes it seem like even more of a scam.
It’s understandable that not everyone is going to complete the CPA offer that you show, but to me there is going to be very few people who will actually do this. This means you’re going to need a ton of traffic to your links to make any real money at all.
Short Term
One major problem with this system is it’s a very short-term type of offer. If you compare it to what I do, creating quality content on my website that will give me traffic and earn me money forever, there is no comparison on how different they are.
To get people to click on your links you’re going to need to use current events that might not be relevant in a couple of days. This means that one campaign that leads to one article may only work for one day.
This is a very short-term method to making money. You will have to make new campaigns every day to make any real long-term money.
Need Active Social Media
Another major issue with this system is you really need a large active social media account. I’ve already talked about how you will need a ton of traffic to make any real money with this program because most people won’t fill out the forms.
If you don’t have a large social media following than you’re not going to get enough clicks on your post to actually make any money! Just to let you know most people really don’t have a large enough following to make it worth it.
Final Verdict
Trust Jacker is one of those opportunities that is hard to put a final verdict on. Trust Jacker can make you some money, but you really do need a large active following to make any good money with this program.
There are some things I liked about this program, but there are also a lot of things that I don’t like about this opportunity. I think unless you already have a huge social media account you might as well stay away from this program.
I also didn’t like the Up Sells and high earnings that were shown within the sales video.
I really like opportunities that have the potential of making you a long-term income. Trust Jacker is not like this. I mentioned that I make blog posts that make me money for years, but with Trust Jacker you will be making new campaigns almost every day just to stay relevant and after a few days that campaign will never get any clicks.
My Final verdict on this product is stay away because there are better ways to make money online.
If you would like to learn more on how you can create your own website and create content that will make you money for several years instead of just a few days, visit Start Your Own Online Business. This is how I make a full-time income online and on the page I show you exactly how you can as well.
Thank you for reading my Trust Jacker Review. This product can earn you some cash, but there are just to many things I don’t like about it to recommend it. If you have dealt with this company I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments section. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and hopefully you let me help you make money online by clicking the links above. Thanks again for reading my Trust Jacker Review.