Real Surveys Online is no longer available, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month!
When people first take the plunge into making money online, most all of them find themselves taking paid surveys at first. Since paid surveys are usually somewhere an inexperienced online entrepreneur starts there is no question why there’s so many scams out there targeting surveys. Real Surveys Online is a scam and I will be telling you exactly why in this review.
Real Surveys Online is doing the same thing that tons of other programs are doing. Ripping off people who don’t know any better by making them pay for information that they can get completely free across the internet.
In this Real Surveys Online Review I will show you exactly why it’s a scam, cover exactly what it is, and show you exactly what you will receive when purchasing this program.
You can find all the information Real Surveys Online gives you for FREE right here!
What Is Real Surveys Online?
Basically Real Surveys Online is an online company that promises to teach you exactly how to earn more with paid survey sites. The owner has supposedly made over $4,000 consistently each month and is the reason she got out of debt (don’t believe everything you hear it’s a sales pitch). The company says that they have training that will help you earn more with paid survey sites and will give you a list of survey sites that pay the highest that you can’t find anywhere else on the internet.
How Does Real Surveys Online Work?
When first purchasing the product you may be surprised by how it actually works. I remember my first review I did of one of these sites and was surprised on how the whole process worked.
Real Surveys Online does not actually send you any surveys or conduct any surveys their self. All Real Surveys Online does is refer you to other Free surveys sites such as CashCrate, Paid ViewPoint, Swag Bucks. Don’t get me wrong all of these companies are great, but let me tell you how Real Surveys Online is making some extra cash.
Not only is Real Surveys Online earning money every time you purchase their product, but every survey site on the list they give you has a referral program. For every survey site you sign up for Real Surveys Online is earning a percentage of your earnings. You really don’t want to give your survey earnings to a scam do you?
What You Receive When Joining
When you purchase Real Surveys Online you will pay the price of $37 after a coupon code on the checkout page. When joining you will receive complete access to the digital product.
- Training To Earn More With Survey Sites
- List of Recommended Survey Sites
- 5 Extra Earning Bonuses
Surprisingly Real Surveys Online does not have any up sells that I saw. The $37 gives you access to all the garbage on this website.
Real Surveys Online Review
Real Surveys Online is no longer available, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month!
Price: $74, $37 after coupon
Rating: 10 Out Of 100
Verdict: SCAM!
I gave Real Surveys Online a 10 out of 100 and a SCAM verdict because they are basically ripping people off. All of the information that they give you can be found for free all over the internet. The Training they provide is nothing special and the bonuses can all be found across the web.
Not only is Real Surveys Online taking $37 away from you they are also earning commissions on all your survey income, which they will not tell you.
They also have a lot of incorrect information on their landing/sales page which gives inexperienced people unrealistic expectations for making money online and especially with surveys!
Landing Page
The Landing page for Real Surveys Online is not a whole lot different from most of the companies doing the same thing as them. Basically the owner was in debt until they started taking surveys. They all of a sudden went from being in debt to financial freedom overnight which is not the case anywhere unless you win the lottery.
Another thing that bothered me about Real Surveys Online landing page was all the false claims made. Pictures speak a thousand words and when pictures have false claims in them you will most likely be fooled.
The landing page shows a picture of surveys that pay $15, $25, and even $35 dollars which is completely unrealistic. If you have any experience with taking surveys you know that most pay .25 cents to $5.
They also show you a check from Survey Savvy. A Survey site that is completely FREE to join with the amount of $600. The sales page claims they are receiving checks like this every week, but even if they are it would take years and years to get that built up. It would never happen overnight.
Survey Training
The Training portion of this website was very sad to see. Basically what this training section provides you with is a few tips.
1) Set up a new email
2) Join RoboForm (actually a good piece of software)
3) Join all the survey sites they have listed.
I found this odd to see because on the landing page of Real Surveys Online they told us they have a way of earning more with surveys, but as you can see from above that was all BS. Unless they think join all the survey sites they list is the secret which in that case they are wrong because there is no secret.
Survey List
The Survey List Real Surveys Online gives you is a pretty good list. Unfortunately you would have to pay $37 for something you can find free all over the internet. You can actually find it for free right here.
The survey list contains some very reputable companies, but one thing I noticed when observing the list was not that they gave you the best survey sites first. But they gave you the ones with the best referral programs first so they can make more money off of you!
The Bonuses given with the purchase of Real Surveys Online are just as bad as paying for a list of survey sites. Basically all the bonuses can be found on the internet for free. You can see the list of bonuses below.
- Paid To Drive
- Get Paid To Shop & Eat
- Get Paid To Read Emails
- Get Paid To Translate
- Real Writing Jobs Online
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Survey List does consist of some highly recommended survey sites
- Easy to get a Full Refund
- Training is poor
- Survey List is hard to navigate
- Bonuses are worthless
- False Hopes from landing page
Final Verdict
Real Surveys Online is no longer available, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month!
I would not recommend buying Real Surveys Online. I feel like this product is a complete scam and will be a complete waste of your time or money. If you have already purchased the product quickly get a refund because it’s not going to help you make money online.
I don’t suggest purchasing Real Surveys Online, but you should check out my #1 recommendation. It’s how I learned to make money online and is the best program I have ever reviewed. You can see a comparison of the two below.
What To Do Now?
Real Surveys Online is no longer available, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month!
As you can tell I do not recommend Real Surveys Online. This product is complete crap and they are taking advantage of people new to making money online. If you run across any other company that tells you that they can help you make more money with surveys, know to run for the hills.
If you would like to learn how to make the most amount of money possible online with affiliate marketing visit start your own online business.
Thank you for reading my Real Surveys Online Scam Review. I hope you enjoyed your time on my website. If you have had experiences with this company or any other scams I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.