Price: Free
Score: 40 Out Of 100
Welcome to my Mobile Expressions Review. Mobile Expressions is a company that does just what its name implies, it let’s you express your opinion on a mobile device. The concept of this is awesome, but unfortunately Mobile Expression can cause some problems with your mobile device and they sometimes have a hard time delivering rewards.
I have actually dealt with this company in the past before I ever started my website. I have to say I had forgotten about all the bad experiences until I ran across them again and decided to write this Mobile Expressions review. But don’t worry you will hear all about the company and what I don’t like further on down the page.
Please understand that tracking apps will never make you much money and it usually drains the crap out of your battery. If you’re serious about making money online, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online last month!
How Does Mobile Expressions Work
Once you sign up for Mobile Expressions by registering your device. You have to install a tracking software on your phone that monitors your internet usage. After installing the program and keeping it on your device you will be entered into weekly drawings for a chance to get prizes emailed to you every week.
What I Didn’t Like
Keep in mind that I did use this company in the past so in this section, I am talking about my first-hand experience with the company.
Tracking Software
The biggest concern about Mobile Expressions is that you have to download a tracking software on your phone. Now the company says that it only tracks internet usage and not other things like texts and phone calls. There is always a chance of your privacy being violated whenever you install anything that tracks usage, but now a days you run privacy issues with almost every app you download.
Phone Speed
I have an Apple iPhone and I installed this program. One thing I noticed is that it did slow down the speed of my phone because the app is always running. Mobile Expressions does say it will not affect phone speed, but from my experiences it did.
Runs Down Battery
Another thing that sucked is it seemed to run down my phone’s battery pretty fast. Since the app is always running in the background of your phone and if you turn it off you don’t get credit.
The most important thing that concerned me with Mobile Expressions is in the few months I used it I actually ended up paying for it. I went over my data usage both months. This is because the program runs in the background of your phone and is constantly communicating information about your usage, whether you’re on WiFi or not.
Weekly Prizes
So the only real reason you would want to use this company is the fact your suppose to be entered in to win prize money each week and automatically get prizes like cash, gift cards, and items each week. You find out about these prizes via email, but I found one problem.
I rarely received the emails. Out of the 8 weeks I used the program I only received the email 2 times and in both emails I did not win anything. So basically Mobile Expressions got two months of free tracking for nothing because all you get is an entrance into the sweep stakes, which most likely you will never win.
Final Verdict
I do not recommend joining this company and I told you exactly why in this Mobile Expressions Review. There was real no incentive to having this program on my phone and it actually ended up costing me money. The cons outweigh the pros heavily with Mobile Expression so I recommend staying away from this company.
However, I am not against all tracking software and using your mobile device to earn money. Read the next section to learn more about great alternatives to Mobile Expression
What To Do Now?
I am not against tracking companies I actually get paid each month by the Panel App, but it’s a TINY income. It’s a completely safe tracking program that works on your phone but you will experience some of the same concerns that I discussed in this review.
Please keep in mind that tracking apps will never make you much money. If you’re serious about making a full-time income online, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online last month!
Thank you for reading this Mobile Expressions Review. I don’t recommend using this company, there is just too many problems. I do hope you let me help you make money online by using the links above.
If you didn’t find what you were looking for here, check out these helpful links to other ways to make money online:
Work From Home Companies Hiring Now
Extra Income Sites That Pay Me Each Month
How I Made Over $13,000 Online Last Month

I use mobile expression for a few months and saved 45 points. When I place order they never gave it to me. Then google told me they a scam. THEY STOLED MY PASSWORDS AND HACKED MY ACCOUNT INFO. When complain they canceled my account say I not fill my duty’s.
I’ve been a member on and off since 2014 and haven’t experienced any of the problems mentioned here! I claim my credit every week and quickly rack up enough to redeem for a £10 amazon gift voucher. The codes are sent through quickly and I have always been able to apply them to my account and spend them with no problem.
Thank you for sharing Allie! Great to hear you’re making money with this and not having any problems!
Like many other people I downloaded the app and had accrued enough points for a £20 Amazon voucher. Each week they had emailed me to remind me to credit my points to my account. Never a mention of any problem.
As planned I claimed my voucher and next time I logged on I saw a message saying my account had been locked and to contact them. I did so and got a very vague reply saying that they had breached the conditions of the offer.
I replied and said I would require further detail or I would consider it fraud. I got another reply quickly telling me nothing further, hence why I am leaving this review.
This app is a pure scam. Don’t waste your time.
Thank you for sharing Nick. Did the Amazon gift card work? Hopefully you at least got your money.
Total scam stay away …. Snooped on my phone for a week and gave me nothing !!! Even though they promised me an amazon gift card ….. Stay away because they can snoop on ur passwords and everything ..
Thanks for the comment and I agree. Had a lot of problems when I used this program
Thanks for sharing your problems as well!