Get Paid Taking Pictures Review: Is This A Scam?

get paid taking pictures reviewThere has been a lot of hype about a new product called Get Paid Taking Pictures. Basically this is a product that is supposed to hold a secret to selling your pictures online and can give you a full-time income by doing so.

It’s kinda a funny concept because Get Paid Taking Pictures says you need no background knowledge and don’t even need to be a photographer to do this. When we all know someone who knows what they are doing and is struggling to make a living taking pictures.

Get Paid Taking Pictures is a complete scam that really won’t help you in any way to make money online with your pictures.

Continue reading this Get paid Taking Pictures Review to learn why this product is a scam and why you should stay away from this product.

Get Paid Taking Pictures Review


Price: $69 + Up Sells

Score: 10 out of 100

Verdict: SCAM!

I gave Get Paid Taking Pictures a very bad score and marked it a scam, because this product is complete waste of your time and money.

Basically what this product does is give you a list of sites where you can upload your pictures to a database and sell them. This information is found anywhere on the internet for free.

The big selling point of this product is the secret, which can entice struggling photographers to buy, but really all you’re getting is a short guide with some beginner photography information plus a guide on how to upload your pictures.

There is nothing within this product that makes it worth any money, because it’s found anywhere on the internet.

Why Is Get Paid Taking Pictures A Scam?

Misleading Sales Page

Just like almost all scams GPTP has a very misleading sales page. First the income that he is promising a week is really not realistic for someone just starting out or that isn’t a great photographer. I’ve included a screen shot below.

get paid taking pictures scam

As you can see this is a pretty big income to make just by uploading photos. Unless your pictures are very popular you won’t see this kind of income ever!

The next issue I have with the sales page is the “no experience needed.” Here is a screenshot.

get paid taking pictures scam

As you can see this product says you need no experience. Keep in mind that for you to make money real people have to see, want, and buy your pictures. You’re  not getting paid just to upload your pictures to the database. People actually have to buy them.

For this to happen you’ll need a ton of high quality photos that people actually want. Not to say this is impossible for someone with little experience, but it’s unlikely.

Just A  List Of Photo Databases

The next issue with this program is your paying for completely free information. When you get inside GPTP members area all you’re given is a list of photo database sites where you can upload your photos for sell.

This information is found anywhere on the internet and I have included the 3 main scam free sites below.

  • Dreamstime
  • Shutterstock
  • Fotolia

No need to pay for Get Paid Taking Pictures because all the information you’re paying for is right here!

What Secret System?

The big selling point for this product is the secret system they have found. This is enticing for some people struggling to sell their pictures online.

Unfortunately, there is no secret system. Basically what you pay for is a beginner’s guide to taking photos and uploading them on the database sites above.

Nothing about the training is worth paying for.

NOT As Easy As Pie

Another big selling point of this product is that an ex-Wal-mart employee made a huge income from this product. Not to put down Wal-Mart employees, but most of the jobs aren’t skilled.

GPTP is using this example because they want you to believe that this is so easy anyone can do it and be successful.

Truth is making money online isn’t easy! Selling your photos online isn’t easy either. It’s a very competitive field and most people fail or make pennies for their photos.

Not to say everyone will fail, but don’t think this is a cake walk!

Should I Buy Get Paid Taking Pictures

The simple answer to this question is HECK NO! First off this program gives you a lot of hype on its sales page when really there isn’t much information inside the members area. There really isn’t any reason to buy this product.

All the information that they do give you can be found for free within this article or anywhere online. The training included really isn’t much, most of the database sites actually have better training then what’s provided within the Get Paid Taking Pictures training.

I don’t recommend this product to anyone because it’s a waste of money when you can get all this information for completely free!

Legit Ways To Earn Money Online

Don’t get me wrong taking pictures and selling them online is a legit way to make money. But it’s much harder and competitive then this program makes you believe. There is no way that someone with no photography experience could make a living doing this. If you have crappy photos no one will buy them. Plain and simple.

If you’re an experienced photographer and want to sell your photos online by all means check out Dreamstime, Shutterstock, and Fotolia. They are all legit programs that you can sell your photos on without having to buy this product.

If you’re not an experienced photographer I suggest staying away from making money online with photos and checking out some of my other Scam Free online Jobs.

If you’re in search for a full-time income online, check out how To Start Your Own Online Business. This program will teach you how to build a website and gradually grow your income online each month.

Thank you for reading this Get Paid Taking Pictures Review. You now know that this product is a scam and I have given you some alternatives on how to make money online. Make sure to share this with your friends and leave comments!

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