Auto Affiliate Program Review
Program: Auto Affiliate Program
Owner: Steven Hall
Price: $47
Score: 35 Out Of 100
Verdict: Scam
Have you ever wanted to make money online on complete auto pilot, just purchase a program and they do all the work for you? Yeah me to unfortunately that doesn’t work, but that’s exactly what Auto Affiliate Program promises with their system.
Steven Hall, the owner of this program has put together a program that only requires you to purchase the product. After that he is going to do everything for you that will earn you an income, the problem is this won’t work and has never worked.
In this Auto Affiliate Program Review we will take a look at how this system works, why it won’t work, and an alternative that will actually help you make money online!
How Does Auto Affiliate Program Work
The Auto Affiliate Program by Steven Hall is really a pretty simple program. Basically you sign up by paying the $47 membership fee. When joining you get a pre made website that is automatically created and updated for you every week. The way you will make money is by E-Books that Steven writes that will automatically uploaded on your website.
These E-Books cover various topics that will contain affiliate links for ClickBank products. If someone downloads the E-book off your site, your affiliate links are automatically added, and if they click on the link and purchase a product you get a commission on it.
What You Get
Here is a list of all the things you will receive when purchasing this product.
1) 1 new E-Book every single week
2) Professional E-Book cover
3) Automatically contains your affiliate links
4) Free website hosting
5) Free Pre Created Website
6) Set and Forget System
Auto Affiliate Program Positives
E-Books can be Profitable
I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. E-Books can be very profitable. They usually only take a few hours or less to complete and can be given away for free and drive a lot of traffic to your affiliate links. Problem is you need a good way for people to download your E-Books. The site that is given to you and this program is not going to give that to you!
Problems With Auto Affiliate Program
Pre-Built Website
Here is the biggest problem with this program. When joining this program you get a pre made website. Here is a screen shot of what your website will look like.
As you can see it’s a nicely designed website, but there are some major problems with this site. First off there are probably 1000s of people who have purchased this product. That means there are over 1000 websites that are all exactly the same design. They all have the same layout and all have the exact same content on them. They all get updated at the same time with the exact same content.
The big problem with this is Google does not like duplicate content and as you can see if there is over 1000 sites just like this there is a lot of duplicate content going on.
When Google sees duplicate content there is no way of your website getting ranked on high on Google. Most likely if you have duplicate content Google won’t index your site at all, which means no traffic from Organic Search. That means that you have to come up with other ways to drive traffic to your site. Traffic equals downloads and downloads equals sales so driving traffic to your site is key. Basically the only real way to do this without Organic Search is with social media, which is very hard to do unless you have a huge extremely active following.
Another major problem that will keep your site from getting ranked on Google is that Google like websites that have a ton of great content on them. That means a lot of posts with 500+ words on them. As you can see from the site above, it’s a one page sales page that has a list of all the E-books. It really doesn’t even have any content on it all.
That means another reason why your site won’t get traffic from search engines which leaves all the traffic coming from social media, which will require a ton of work from you. If I remember correctly this program is supposed to be on complete auto pilot. Doesn’t sound like it!
No Training
One crappy thing about this program is there is no training. Really there does not need to be because the whole point of the system is that you change a few settings and your all set, but as I covered before having a pre made website does not work so if you’re going to make any money at all with this program you’re going to need a different way to drive traffic to your website.
Final Verdict
As you can see this program is not going to work for you. The pre made website that you will receive will not drive any traffic from search engines which leaves all the traffic from social media. That means you’re going to need to promote your site heavily on a very active social media account.
If you remember correctly this program is supposed to be on complete auto pilot, but as you can see that’s not the case.
I do not recommend this product. It’s a complete scam that should be avoided. The only reason it got this high of score is that E-Books can be a good way to promote products and make sales, but you need a good way to promote them. I will talk about an alternative in the next section.
What To Do Now?
If you’re looking to promote E-books you’re going to need your own website that you can edit and create content on. If you create a website and promote E-Books on it can be a good way to promote products and make sales.
If you would like to learn how to create your very own website and make money from it visit Start Your Own Online Business. You will learn how I created this site and make a full-time income off it. I will also show you a program that will teach you how for Free.
Thank you for reading this Auto Affiliate Program Review. If you have used this program in the past I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below. I hope you let me help you make money online by clicking on the link above. Thanks again for reading my Auto Affiliate Program Review.

Thanks for this great review! I think this strategy is not going to be sustainable even if it works. Because the term “eBook” has lost its power. Everyone is using it all over the internet. Basically, no one is interested in reading ebooks anymore in my opinion.