Price: $47
Score: 90 Out Of 100
Verdict: Legit
Welcome to my Video Commissions Review. Video Commissions is a training course that is going to teach you how to use video marketing and affiliate marketing to make money online. This is a very popular way to make money online and I have to say it’s a pretty easy way to do it.
Video Commissions was created by BJ Min a seasoned online marketer that struggled for a few years and had a huge breakthrough with video in 2012. This course teaches what he learned and what techniques he used to have a break out year and make a 6-figure income.
In this Video Commissions review I will show you exactly what you get when buying video commissions, What I like & don’t like about the product, and how this product can help you make money online.
Video Commissions Review
Module 1: Success Mindset
In this module you will learn what you need to do to be successful with video marketing and making money online. BJ talks about the mindset you need to get started off on the right foot.
Module 2: High Converting Products
In this module you will be taught how to find high converting products through websites like ClickBank, Amazon, and other major retailers and affiliate programs.
Module 3: Keyword Research
In this module you will learn how to do keyword research for your videos. BJ will teach you the method he uses to find great keywords within your niche that can help you rank your videos on Google.
Module 4: Easy Video Creation
In this module BJ will teach you how to create a great quality video that converts. This module doesn’t focus on how to record a video, but more about the kind of content you need in your video to be successful.
Module 5: Get Your Video Ranked
In this module you will learn a step by step method to ranking your video on the first spot on YouTube and on the first page of Google. You will learn how to optimize your videos Title, Description, and Tags for Success.
Module 6: Video Traffic Strategy
In this module BJ takes you through his strategy to driving more traffic to your videos. This is basically the process that he goes through after uploading a video to get the most views and engagement possible.
Module 7: Live Demonstration
In this module BJ is going to do a live demonstration of the whole process. He will take you through the beginning of keyword research all the way through his Video Traffic Strategy for getting more views.
Module 8: 90 Day Challenge
In this module BJ will give you a 90 day challenge that can transform your business and get you started off on the right foot. If you start with this 90 day challenge you’re much more likely to gain success.
What I Liked
What He Teaches Works
The key part to this whole process is getting your videos ranked. BJ does a great job of teaching this portion of the training. This portion of the training is very similar to Video Traffic Academy. That is my highest ranking video marketing product and is what I used to get my YouTube Channel Started. They have a little bit different mindset, but they both teach the optimizing of your videos the same, and why is that?
Because the method they both teach is proven to work and will help you get your videos ranked higher.
Video Marketing Is Growing
If you have an online business already or are looking to start, video marketing is going to be a key in the future. YouTube has over 1 Billion unique visitors each month and those visitors watch over 6 billion hours of videos each month.
Yeah, pretty crazy. YouTube’s statistics have continually grown like this over the last few years so if you’re not involved in video marketing you need to get started, RIGHT NOW!
Making Money With Video Is Legit
The whole concept that Video Commissions teaches is legit, you can make money online with video marketing and promoting products in your videos. The whole key is being educated on how to optimize your videos to drive the most traffic possible.
Like I said above video marketing is growing so if you want to get started you need to do so now!
What I don’t Like
One thing that I wasn’t a huge fan of this whole course is filmed from what looks like BJ’s office. Most of the training videos are screen cast videos and are of pretty high quality, but some of the videos are videos of him talking and they are not extremely high quality. But most of the videos that are like this are just introductions to the module so it’s not a huge deal.
Multiple Up Sells Within Product
Another thing I didn’t like about Video Commissions is the fact they have multiple up sells within the members area. I feel like if you’re paying for access to a members area you should get all the information, but there are 3 different products that are up sells within the members area. Just ignore these for now, because most of the key information you need is within the members area. The Up Sells have to do with working 1 on 1 with BJ and more support.
Final Verdict
I do highly recommend purchasing Video Commissions. I found that the training is really good and this product will help you make money with video marketing. I especially liked the part of the training about how to optimize your Videos to get them ranked higher on YouTube and Google Search.
If you purchase this product you will not be disappointed. The training is high quality and what is taught really does work.
What To Do Now?
Thank you for reading my Video Commissions Review. Video Marketing is a booming field to get into so I highly recommend this product for getting started or to optimize videos you have already created. If you would like to purchase Video Commissions you can do so through the link below.
I mentioned earlier in this review that Video Traffic Academy is my highest ranked video marketing training. The products are very similar, but VTA focuses on driving traffic from your YouTube videos to your website. If you already have an online business or product VTA may be the better option for you. To learn more about Video Traffic Academy Click Here.
I hope you enjoyed this Video Commissions Review. This product is completely legit, but if you have any questions please leave comments. I think you will find that this product can really help you succeed in your video marketing efforts. If you have dealt with this product or any other video marketing products I would love to hear about them in the comment section below.

Can I really make money with video commission in is this going to be around for a long time in is this something I can use to quit my job o in is there any setup fees
Video Commissions is just a training product that teaches you how to create videos, get them ranked, and make money with them. I would say it’s something that will make you quit your job. If you’re successful and put in the work there’s a possibility of building up a large income though.
It cost $47 to access the product, no fees to use Youtube, but may need to invest in a video editing software