Welcome to my Smiley360 Review. If you’re not aware of this site they will send you free stuff to review and you get to keep the products. I recently reviewed a similar site called Influenster that I recommend as well.
You’re probably wondering if Smiley360 is a scam, it’s not you actually will get free stuff shipped to your door and all you need to do is complete a few tasks reviewing the product.
Please understand that you won’t be earning any money, if you’re interested in making money online, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online last month!
Getting paid to review products is a pretty cool thing and Smiley360 is a good site to do it with. But lets jump into this Smiley360 Review and learn more about this opportunity.
What Is Smiley360?
Smiley360 is a site that will send you products to review. You will find products in all categories like beauty, home cleaning, pet, fitness, and much more. The basic process, is usually taking a short survey to see if you qualify for a mission, if you do they will mail you a product, and you will be required to fill out a survey or give some sort of response about the product.
Smiley360 Review
Website: Smiley360.com
Price: Free To Join
Score: 80 Out of 100
Verdict: Legit Scam Free
In this Smiley360 review I gave them a pretty good score and marked it legit. Smiley360 will actually pay you for testing products. As long as you try to qualify for missions and fill out the information required after the testing the product you get to keep the product.
There are a few things I don’t like about this site, but in general it’s a pretty good site to join and I recommend it to anyone looking to get free stuff.
Smiley360 Missions
I want to talk about the process of receiving free stuff from Smiley360. They refer to this process as Missions. The process is really easy and I’ve broken down the steps below.
Take A Survey: Qualify
The first step is qualifying for a mission, when a mission becomes available you will receive an email notification. You need to visit Smiley360 and take a short survey.
Most of the time it’s just a few questions about the product or how you use a product.
This is just to make sure you fit the demographic that they are looking for. The good thing is they immediately tell you that you don’t qualify so you won’t waste much of your time.
For example for a dog food mission they were looking for older dogs that used a different type of food. I have a young dog that already used there brand of food so I did not qualify.
Receive Your Product & Test It
If you do qualify for a mission the next step is receiving the product. Smiley360 will automatically send your product to the address you have on your profile. Once you receive the product there is usually some instructions on what they want you to do. Most of the time it’s they want you to use the product in place of a similar product you use or just use it in general.
After you use the product and follow the instructions you’re given it’s time to move on to the next step.
Write Your Review: Give Feedback
After you test out your product you’re required to give some feedback. Most of the time it’s a simple survey that takes a few minutes. They usually ask what you like/dislike about the product and if you would purchase this product in the future.
All you need to do is answer honestly and you should have no problems.
After giving your feedback you’re free to keep the product that they sent you to review!
Getting Paid By Smiley360
At this point in time you do not actually get paid for testing or receiving the product. You will however receive a full size product most of the time and after testing it out you get to keep the product. Some people might be looking to get paid for testing, but at this time the only incentive is keeping the product for completely free.
To me it’s worth the free stuff, but some people might shy away.
Smiley360 Complaints and Concerns
Don’t Get Paid Cash
This really isn’t a huge concern because you do get to keep the products that you review, but some people might be expecting to get paid some cash. With Smiley360 you will not get paid cash.
But to me it’s worth getting to keep the product for free.
Some People Won’t Qualify
Just like with survey sites, sometimes people just don’t meet the requirements or aren’t what most companies are looking for. There really isn’t anything you can do about this, it’s really just the luck of the draw. Some people will qualify for a lot of missions and some will only for a few. But of course if you don’t try you won’t qualify for any!
Sometimes You Get Samples
The real concern and complaint with Smiley360 is some missions only send you sample sizes. Not all missions are like this some will give you a full size product. When you receive a full size product it does make it worth it in my opinion, but when you only get a sample there really isn’t any product left over after testing which in my opinion is worth the time, but you may have a different opinion.
Is Smiley360 a Scam?
Smiley360 is not a scam. It’s a completely legit site that lets you test products for completely free. To me it’s worth getting some free stuff for a few minutes of your time to provide feedback. There are some things I don’t like about this site, but overall it’s a pretty good site.
If you would like to join Smiley360 visit their website here. You may want to check out Influenster as well. It’s a site that is very similar and I prefer it over Smiley360. For more information and ways to get free products to keep, check out this product testing e-book!
If you would also like to earn some cold hard cash online instead of just free products check out some of the sites on my All Scam Free Jobs page.
Some of you might be tired of just making some extra cash online and may be interested in how I make a full-time income online with my website. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out My #1 Recommendation, it’s how I made over $13,000 online last month!
Before I go, Thank you for reading this Smiley360 Review! Have you used this site? Had any experiences with similar sites? I love when people chime in with feedback so leave your story below in the comments section!

Hello! I’d like to apply for a job. Even just as a tester
If you’re interested use the link above to join.
Waddup Brok, Just thought I’d drop by and share some of my thoughts with your readers.
It’s true that you don’t get a lot of missions at first, but as you build your profile and earn points/badges you’ll get more opportunities which can also lead to more interesting products to review.
The whole process usually is painless imo and it’s worth a shot. Last one I got was for the personalized M&M’s and it was a lot of fun lol. Did it with my sister she wanted to give them to her boyfriend.
Anyway, I do think it’s a fun website and it doesn’t take up too much of your time to go check your dashboard from time to time just to check if interesting stuff came up.
Take care man,
Thanks for reading and sharing your experiences!
hey bro, This is Raymond from India. i am from India. I would lyk to such featuring websites which supports for my country too.! Kindly, help to figure it our bro.! THanks in advance..!
A lot of programs aren’t available in India just because the high level of spam that comes out of the country, of course not everyone is spamming, but it does ruin it for a lot of people. I’m almost positive these sites will work for you.
Hope this helps,