Recently I have seen a lot of information going around on social media about a new company called Earn4Share. Once I saw so many people sharing the company’s information I had to take a look at it and write a Earn4Share Review.
What Is Earn4Share?
Earn4Share is a company that is promising you an online job that will pay you $500 a Day for 5-10 minutes of your time each day to complete simple tasks. They promise you that you will be earning $1500 or more in your first week and just for joining they will give you a $25 sign up bonus.
If you have read any of my other scam reviews or know anything about making money online you have probably already figured out that Earn4Share has just made a lot of big promises that they will most likely break!
How Is Earn4Share Scamming Us?
Earn4Share is a complete scam. Basically this is how Earn4Share is scamming us all. First off they promise us an online job, but really all you’re going to get is to be one of their social promoters. Once you get inside the members area your tasks will be to promote Earn4Share on your social accounts.
Earn4Share is going to pay you some really good money just for sharing their company (that’s why I have seen the ads so much!). With Earn4Share you probably can easily earn $500 a day, but wait you have to cash that money about before it’s yours.
So now that you have shared with all your friends you need to cash out all your earnings. But before you can do that you need to complete a survey. Once you complete the survey you’re able to cash out, but guess what Earn4Share has not paid out a SINGLE DIME!
How Did Earn4Share Benefit From The Scam!
Well first off Earn4Share is getting tons of free promotion from everyone trying to earn cash by sharing their company. This free promotion is bringing in tons of new members. But you’re probably still wondering how is Earn4Share benefiting from this monetarily.
You remember that you have to fill out a survey before you can cash out your earnings right? Well Earn4Share is getting paid every single time someone tries to cash out and fills out a survey.
No they aren’t going to be making tons off of your survey maybe a dollar or two, but when you have millions of people promoting your product $.50-$2 adds up pretty darn quickly!
Earn4Share Review

Price: FREE
Score: 2 out of 100
Verdict: SCAM!
I gave Earn4Share a 2 out of 100. Why? Because Earn4Share is a complete SCAM! Please do not try to make money with this company because you will not get paid EVER. Companies like this make me sick because they are taking advantage of people every day that are not informed of the correct way to make money online. It makes me sad to see that this company is getting so much free promotion when they should get shut down!
What To Do Now?
Now that you know that Earn4Share is a complete scam and that you should stay away. I would really like to inform you of Scam Free ways to actually make money online. Although scams like Earn4Share makes it hard to believe that you really can make money online, there are completely legit ways to do so.
If you would like to learn more about all my Scam Free Online Jobs please click the link below. It will take you to a page that has a list of all the companies that will actually honor your earnings and pay you.
Most of the jobs on my Scam Free Online Jobs page are supplemental income opportunities which mean they are not going to make you a full-time income online. If you would like to learn more about how I make money online and how I turned my hobby into a full-time online business visit the link below!
All Scam Free Jobs
Turn Your Hobby Into An Online Business
Thank you for reading my Earn4Share review and hopefully you will let me help you learn about how you really can make money online a scam free and legit way!