Lately I have reviewed a few survey sites that are really taking advantage of beginners in the making money online world. Survey Dollar is no exception. Survey Dollar is a complete scam and they have taken advantage of people for a few years now. I will be showing you exactly how they are scamming you in this Survey Dollar Review.
Basically companies are making you pay for free information with the promise that you can earn more from taking paid online surveys. Truth is, there is no secret. Read on to learn more about this scam in my Survey Dollar Review.
Survey Dollar Review
Price: $27.00
Score: 10 Out of 100
Verdict: SCAM!
I gave Survey Dollar a very low score and marked it a scam. Survey Dollar is a complete scam and they use some less than honorable techniques to get you to buy their product. The whole scam is making you believe you can make more with paid surveys, when really all they are doing is selling you information that can be found all over the internet.
What You Get With Survey Dollar
Here is the biggest misconception with products like Survey Dollar. Survey Dollar does not actually send you any surveys or pay you for taking surveys. What you’re paying for is the bit of training they offer and a list of survey sites.
It will need you to join the survey sites on this list and those are the companies that will actually send you surveys and pay you for taking surveys.
Why Survey Dollar Is A Scam
Sales Page
One thing a lot of online money-making products do is have very misleading sale pages. Survey Dollar is no different. There are of course claims of making big dollars only through surveys and the biggest thing is it never really explains what this system will do for you or how it even works.
Here is an example of some false income claims:
As you can see they are claiming that you make $5-$100 a survey and $50-$150 an hour. That simply is not correct. If you’re familiar with surveys you know that you can make anywhere from $.50-$10 on a survey.
To earn $10 it’s usually a survey that takes an hour or more to complete. If you really work it out most people who take surveys earn from $2-$5 an hour. I bet you wouldn’t do any other job for that rate.
This is just one of many false claims on their sales page to get you to buy their product.
Whole Concept
The whole concept of what they are selling is a complete scam. What they are doing is selling that they have a way for you to make more money online with surveys. When really all they are giving you is BS and a list of survey sites.
The training included, or what they call the key to making more money online with paid surveys is just a few helpful hints that they include. I have them listed below.
- Sign up for all the sites on the list
- Download RoboForm
As you can see not much help and not a secret to making more money with surveys. Robo form is a good idea though if you plan on taking surveys!
List Of Surveys
What you’re basically buying when purchasing Survey Dollar is a list of survey sites. They have over 100 sites on this list so you know that there are a lot of sites that aren’t worth a crap on there.
They actually do have a few good sites that even I recommend, like Paid Viewpoint, CashCrate, and Swagbucks.
But for the most part there are a lot of no good survey sites on the list.
Scamming You Twice
One thing a lot of people don’t realize is not only is Survey Dollar scamming you out of your $27 for buying their product, but they are also earning referral commissions on all the survey income you make.
The list of survey sites they provide all have their affiliate links within them. That means you become their referral when you join.
If you join a site through their link and earn $10 taking surveys they are getting some sort of kickback from your earnings.
Who wants to get scammed and then pay them even more money? I know I don’t!
Should I Join Survey Dollar?
The answer to this question is very simple. Hell no! Survey Dollar is a complete scam. All the information they give you can be found for completely free on the internet. Even right here on my site.
I don’t recommend this product to anyone. It will be a complete waste of your time and money!
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not against survey sites and actually promote a few on my site. Not all survey sites are scams, but the sites that make you pay for a list of survey sites and a secret to earning more are scams.
To see the Survey Sites I highly recommend visit All Scam Free Jobs. On this page you can find all the survey sites that I recommend as scam free and some other great opportunities.
Thank you for reading this Survey Dollar Review we have found out that this is not a good site to join and that Survey Dollar is a scam. Make sure to share with your friends and leave comments if you have questions.
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