Get Cash For Surveys is Closed, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month
Get Cash For Surveys is not a site you want to pay for. Take a look at the landing page and you will see exactly why. It is full of lies and bs marketing that plays on your emotions to get you to pay money for nothing. There is so much stuff that screams scam on the front page that I had to buy this product and do a review on for you all.
I know I made some bold statements in my first paragraph, but just continue reading and you will see exactly why. In this article I will be telling you more about what get cash for surveys is and my review of this great product…jk.
Get Cash For Surveys Review
Get Cash For Surveys is Closed, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month
Website: Get Cash For Surveys
Cost: $74 Plus Up sales Lots of Them!
Score: 20 out of 100
Verdict: Scam!!!
What Is Get Cash For Surveys
Get Cash For Surveys is a website that advertises themselves as a site that will help you make money through survey sites. Basically the site makes you pay to see a list of websites that are mostly free to join. You could find this by a simple a Google Search, but no this site makes you pay over 70 bucks for it.
Here is a perfect example. Below is a picture from Get Cash For Survey’s landing page. You can see that they received a check from Survey Savvy for $225. They want you to sign up so you can get this check too. Of course they want you to pay $74 to get a $225 check from survey savvy. I will one up them because you can click here and join survey savvy for completely free. Or you can find survey savvy anywhere on the internet and join for free, but not with get cash for surveys!
How Much Does It Cost You
If you want to join Get Cash For Surveys you will initially pay $74. That gets you in the door and access to the information about surveys. If paying for nothing wasn’t enough, the time you’re on Get Cash For Surveys your bombarded with up sales. There is even a portion of the site where you say no to the offer and the page refreshes with a lower price 4 times in a row!
If that doesn’t scream scam I don’t know what does. They are telling you we will take any amount of money your willing to pay for this information. Sounds like they aren’t to confident in what they have to offer.
What I Liked
Basically I liked nothing about this site, but since I always like to pick a few things out that are positives they compiled a very nice list of survey sites. Most of them I would recommend and already promote on my website. Such as Survey Savvy, Cash Crate, and Swag Bucks. The problem is these sites are free to join and they made you pay for it.
What I Didn’t Like
I have already touched on a lot of things that I did not like, but here is a compressed list to make it easy.
- So many BS up sells from the second you pay your initial fee. Like I said I was offered the same information 5 times at different prices.
- BS marketing tactics on the landing page that will take advantage of people who don’t know much about making money online.
- Tell you that making your own website for completing surveys is a must and try to tell you it is a $2000 value. This one made me laugh because I started this website for under $20.
- The main focus of the site is sell you everything that does not have to do with surveys. There is only one page on the website about surveys the rest is trying to teach you to make money other ways. Doesn’t make since when Survey is in your name and someone purchases the product looking to make money with surveys!
- All the survey sites that are on the list are found anywhere on the internet through a simple Google search. Plus almost all of them are FREE to join.
- If you read on I get into my experiences with the company. Let’s just say what they advertise on their landing page is a bit of a lie.
My Experience With Get Cash For Surveys
As you can tell I am not a fan of this site, but it would not be a review if I did not give the site a chance. As instructed by the site I started signing up for some of the survey sites that they recommend on their list. I signed up for 5 different sites and got a few surveys from each one.
Something that jumped out at my right away was these surveys did not pay great. If you take a look at Get Cash For Surveys Landing Page you will see surveys that pay $5, $10, even $20. That was not the case they paid $50-$1.50 just like every survey site out there. I think the highest payment about was $2.50 and the estimated time was 1 hour. Who wants to make $2.50 an hour?
But I went ahead and tried some of the surveys because making a few bucks is better than nothing. In total I took 6 surveys. Guess how many surveys I was accepted and paid for, you guessed it 0. I probably wasted 25-30 minutes trying to complete surveys and was not accepted to any of them.
Along with getting the full list of survey sites there were some other added bonuses for signing up. Things like making money on YouTube, making money on Twitter, and making money with Google Adsense. I decided to check them out, but all they turned out to be was promotional videos that tried to get you to buy the full system.
Final Verdict
Get Cash For Surveys is Closed, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month
Get Cash For Surveys is a complete waste of your time and money. Luckily you buy the product through ClickBank which actually is a good company that has a 60 day money back guarantee. I was able to get my money back, but still for people who don’t know much about online surveys they might think they spent their money well. Hopefully this review helped open your eyes to all the BS in this site and saved you some money.
I hate scams, but I also love legit opportunities. See how Get Cash For Surveys compares to My #1 Recommendation Below!
What To Do Now?
Get Cash For Surveys is Closed, check out these Sites that Pay Me Each Month
Please keep in mind that I am not completely against survey sites. I think some of them are pretty good and they are all Free. To see the full list of survey sites I use click here!
If your tired of all the BS on the internet and want to learn the #1 way to make money online click here! This is how I make a full-time income online and you can do it too.
Thank you for reading my Get Cash For Surveys Review. This company is one that you want to stay away from, but use the links above to find legit opportunities. If you have had experiences with this company or any other scam I’d love to hear about it in the comment section below.

Dear Brok,
That’s a very thorough review on GetCashforSurveys and you have really covered all bases. I strongly believe your article will help people in their decision making. Thanks for the useful information I will come back to your website to learn more information. Keep up the great work. Wishing you great success!
Your Friend,
Thanks for reading Paul! Glad you enjoyed the review. I’d make sure to avoid get Cash Fro Surveys and any sites promising anything like it!
I like your review but can you really earn that much with survey?
Thanks for the comment and I am glad you liked my review.
To answer your question Get Cash for Surveys gives you an unrealistic expectation for how much you can make with surveys.
Honestly unless you refer a lot of others or you spend a lot of time taking surveys is the only ways to make more than $20 a month with surveys.
Great review! Very straight forward and direct to the point. Thanks for this as I am always looking for ways to earn online. Great job!
Thanks for the comment and I am glad you enjoyed my review. I have plenty of more ways to make money online on my job board if your interested.
Thanks again,
Hi thanks for the invite, and thanks for the info. I have actually seen that site before and wondered about it, now I know. I hope they teach me how to make my site look as good as yours, it is impressive! You can goggle me at thx again DaveMc
Thanks for the comment David,
I am sure with a little training you can get your site looking great and I will be checking out your site.
I love your site. There is so much I could learn from you.
Thanks for the comment Jennifer
If you need help with anything let me know!
A very good review! I really like your site and how it deals with online job reviews and in this particular post, your review of Get Cash for Surveys. This one hits home for me because while I did not sign up for get cash, I have signed up for a free survey site and had made some money with them. Not a lot of money grant you, especially what a lot of these scam sites say you’ll be able to make daily, but I was able to make $50 over a two month period doing these free surveys and that $50 went towards paying off a little bit of debt.
Thanks for the kind words! I am glad that you never paid for Get Cash For Surveys and even more happy that you made some money from survey sites!
Thanks for the comment!